• Frontier begins environmental assessments at Waroona renewable energy project
  • Project aims to supply clean electricity to South West Interconnected System
  • FHE aiming to minimise or avoid environmental impacts for Stage 2 expansion


Special Report: Frontier Energy has begun environmental studies and surveys over 565 hectares of its Waroona Renewable Energy project in WA to determine the best location for the next stage of expansion.

Stage One of the Waroona project in WA combines a 120MWdc (megawatts of direct current) solar facility with an integrated 4.5 hour duration 80MW/360MWh lithium-ion phosphate (LFP) battery to supply clean electricity into the South West Interconnected System.

The Stage Two expansion of the project could be underpinned by the Federal Government’s Capacity Investment Scheme for WA, which seeks to underwrite 1.1GW/4.4GWh of new, clean dispatchable energy in WA to address expected electricity generation shortfalls in the state.

The company has been proactive in its approach to environmental management and commissioned its first environmental assessment in 2020, which was followed by an additional flora and vegetation survey and targeted Black Cockatoo survey in 2022.

Since then, Frontier Energy (ASX:FHE) has acquired additional properties south of the Harvey River Main Drain, and will now complete a detailed flora and fauna assessment as well as a targeted Black Cockatoo survey.

That will involve recording opportunistic sightings of any individuals, calls, or signs of foraging; assessment of roosting habitat; assessment and mapping of foraging habitat and identifying any breeding trees.

Undertaking these environment assessments early in the planning process will enable the company to identify if there are species or areas of high conservation value within the project area that need to be protected and enables the project design to minimise or avoid impacts to these areas.


Frontier, Energy, ASX, FHE, Waroona, Energy, Project
Aerial photo of the northeastern property in Figure 2, located directly south of Stage One. Pic: Frontier Energy


Stage Two expansion assessment pending

These environmental surveys are also critical for the future expansion of the project and will assist in identifying the most appropriate location for the planned Stage Two expansion.

The expansion area is zoned as general farming, similar to the Stage One area, and has been largely cleared. However, patches of native vegetation or isolated trees remain across some sections of the properties.


Frontier, Energy, ASX, FHE, Waroona, Energy, Project
Waroona renewable energy project footprint and survey area. Pic: Frontier Energy


The results of the biodiversity assessment will provide valuable input into the project design process and approvals strategy, with the results from this study expected to be available late 2024.

“As a renewable energy company, ensuring the development of our project is undertaken in accordance with the highest environmental standards is critically important,” FHE CEO Adam Kiley said.

“Given the majority of the expansion area has been largely cleared for farming, it is highly suitable for renewable energy development and expansion of the project.

“There are, however, a limited number of small pockets of vegetation that we intend to exclude from any clearing activities and expand for conservation purposes.

“The company will shortly commence an internal assessment of the most appropriate size and configuration for the Stage Two expansion.

“The results of this environmental work however will support the process to identify the most suitable location.”

An internal assessment on the most appropriate size and configuration for the Stage Two expansion is expected to commence shortly.



This article was developed in collaboration with Frontier Energy, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.


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