Health & Biotech
Hygrovest Limited (“Hygrovest”) (ASX: HGV) is an Australian listed, specialist investment company that has traded on the ASX since 2015. Investors in Hygrovest gain exposure to a portfolio which concentrates on producing capital growth for shareholders over the medium to long term from investments in listed and unlisted equities and other financial assets.
Investments are managed by Parallax Ventures Inc., a specialist management company in Canada, under a longterm strategic partnership.
In December 2021 HGV changed to change its name to “Hygrovest Limited” from MMJ Group Holdings Limited. The ASX code has also changed from MMJ to HGV.
Since 2015, Hygrovest has created a significant number of investment opportunities from its connections in Canada and Australia in the private investment sector and realised exits to the benefit of Hygrovest and its shareholders.
Health & Biotech
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Health & Biotech
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Health & Biotech
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Health & Biotech
MMJ doubles down on EU cannabis extractor with big investment
Health & Biotech
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Health & Biotech
North Americans are stockpiling cannabis for COVID crackdowns and this could finally fix the market
Health & Biotech
MMJ Holdings stays flexible on capital strategy, offers improved terms to investors
Food & Agriculture
Health Kick Podcast: The strategy and upside behind global cannabis investment company MMJ
Health & Biotech