Apiam Animal Health (ASX:AHX) is comprised of Australia’s leading Production Animal and Mixed Animal veterinary practices.
Apiam Animal Health incorporates over 150 highly experienced, industry leading veterinarians with expertise across pig, dairy, feedlot, sheep, poultry, equine, and companion animal sectors, supported by an experienced administration, nursing, technical services and ancillary team.
Apiam Animal Health is fully vertically integrated, including having veterinary wholesale, diagnostics laboratories, custom vaccines, logistics, and other ancillary services.
What sets Apiam apart is shared expertise and professional collaboration across the business.
We believe that local knowledge is global knowledge and apply this philosophy across all our businesses from vet clinic, to production animal consultancy, logistics and laboratory with our vets and allied staff sharing expertise and specialist knowledge.
We collaborate and consult across Apiam businesses to deliver the best outcomes for the animals in our care. We are focussed on meeting the needs of our clients and shaping the future of the industry to deliver best practice animal welfare at a local level and nationally.
The name Apiam Animal Health and the logo for the company were inspired by the honey bee, which belongs to the Genus Apis.
Bees are symbolic of a team working towards a common goal. They are seen as industrious, hard-working characteristics: creating wonderfully efficient, meticulous, hexagonal hives.
Hexagons form a repetitive pattern, common in nature due to scalability while maintaining their robustness and strength.
It is Apiam Animal Health’s goal that all clinics, businesses and employee’s will work together towards a common goal, developing its team and building a successful, inspiring and strong company.
AHX Share Price and Trading History
Dr Chris Richards, Managing Director
Dr Chris Richards is the Managing Director of ASX listed Apiam Animal Health Ltd, as well as the Australian subsidiary entities and joint venture companies, which provide veterinary services to Australian regional and rural communities.
Chris is also a Director of registered charity, Fur Life Foundation Ltd, which raises funds to support people in rural, regional, and remote communities
Chris is also a Director of Apiam Solutions LLC, a JV company based in the USA that provides product solutions to the Northern American production animal industries.
Chris is responsible for the strategic direction of Apiam, which has developed and grown to acquire and integrate production and companion animal veterinary clinics, veterinary wholesale, logistics, laboratory and genetics services businesses since 1998 into the Apiam of today. Chris is a member of Australian Pork Limited’s Biosecurity Strategic Review Panel and ASF Advisory Group.
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Matthew White, Chief Financial Officer
Matthew has worked in the animal health industry for over 20 years, having held finance roles both in Australia and internationally with MSD, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, including as Finance Director for Australia.
Matthew was involved in the acquisition of Intervet by Schering-Plough and then the acquisition of Schering-Plough by MSD, so has experience in large scale integrations in the animal health industry.
Matthew is a certified practising accountant.
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Brian Scutt, Chief Operating Officer
Brian has worked in senior commercial and operational roles in the human and animal nutrition & health markets for over 20 years. He has worked in Australia and extensively throughout the entire Asia Pacific region in both large European multinational companies and smaller privately-owned entities.
Brian has experience in sales, marketing, manufacturing and acquisition integrations, and most recently he has held a COO role in multinational chemical distribution.
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Renee Waters, General Manager – People
Renee is an HR Leader with 20 years’ experience having worked in senior roles in a variety of industries including Agriculture, Animal Health and manufacturing.
With a focus on building partnerships with senior leaders, Renee brings experience in business integration, culture change, strategic planning, talent management and leadership development within the animal health industry to her people management role at Apiam Animal Health.
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Matt Gallagher, General Counsel
Matt is an experienced science-trained legal and compliance advisor with business and corporate involvement in life sciences, manufacturing and agribusiness globally. He has worked in Australia and Asia and held legal, global management and development positions in publicly listed multinational companies. Matt has most recently held a senior legal management role for an ASX 200 company.
Matt is Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators, a member of the Law Institute Victoria and is also a Notary Public.
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