Antares Metals (AM5) is a diversified multi-commodity explorer with two strategic hubs located adjacent to established mine and process infrastructure.

In 2024, the Company acquired a highly prospective portfolio of Copper and Uranium tenements in Mt Isa with exploration underway. The Company’s other project, the Carlingup Nickel and Lithium Project in Western Australia, is located ~10km from Arcadium Lithium’s Mt Cattlin Mine, with multiple targets for assessment as commodity prices improve.


  • Johan Lambrechts – Chief Executive Officer

    Mr Lambrechts is an experienced geologist with over 20 years of experience across various commodities in Australia and Africa. Most recently, Mr Lambrechts was engaged in potential ASX listings of copper, gold and uranium tenure and, until the end of 2023, held the role of VP Geology & Exploration for Askari Metals. Between 2011 and mid-2016, Mr Lambrechts worked at the Glencore-owned George Fisher mine in Mt Isa.

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  • Mark Connelly – Non-Executive Chairman

    Mark has 30+ years in mining, is an experienced listed-company Chair, and brings a wealth of leadership experience in the resources industry. Mr Connelly has an outstanding track record of shareholder value growth and realisation, particularly over the last decade. He has direct operational and capital markets experience in various jurisdictions, including Australia, North America, South America, Africa, and Europe.

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