Special report: Innovative agtech Roots Sustainable has secured a significant win for its revolutionary Irrigation by Condensation (IBC) technology, telling investors today it has been granted a divisional patent in India.

India is one of the world’s largest potential markets for the technology.

The country is currently suffering through the worst water crisis in its history and is hunting for solutions that can help facilitate crop production even in semi-arid areas with poor access to irrigation.

Powered by the sun, wind or electricity, Roots’ (ASX:ROO) system is capable of growing and sustaining entire growth cycles of food with condensed humidity from the air – all without additional water input, even in the semi-arid deserts where irrigation takes place at night.

The system was specifically designed to be standalone to enable small and medium scale farmers to grow food crops irrigated only from humidity in the air and without access to grid electricity or well water.

It has passed proofs of concept, demonstrating in its experimental farm, that cooling (a onetime fill up) water tank and circulating the cold water in the field could produce enough condensation from humidity in the air to irrigate and sustain many types of crops – without additional irrigation from any other source.

Boaz Wachtel, a Roots director and inventor of the technology, said IBC posed an innovative solution to India’s water crisis.

“It offers a solution for Indian farmers where erratic rainfall and water scarcity has affected food production,” he said.

“More than 75 per cent of India’s fresh water is currently used for agriculture at a time when around 600 million people are facing a severe water shortage.”

Roots’ Irrigation by Condensation (IBC) system

“Our IBC technology could help create or dramatically increase crop production for animal and human consumption in areas that often experience water scarcity.

“It could provide food security and income to many farmers, not just in India but globally, and help prevent hunger, poverty and migration due to lack of irrigation water and access to food.

“This is an important step as we move towards commercialisation of our IBC technology.”

Roots is developing a range of additional solar-operated and electric versions of its IBC systems tailored specifically for small holder units of up to a quarter acre as well as mid-size systems for larger plots.


This special report is brought to you by Roots Sustainable Agricultural Technologies.

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