Everest Metal earns place on critical minerals map with maiden Mt Edon rubidium resource
Special Report: Everest Metals Corporation has cause to break out the bubbles after delivering a world-class, maiden rubidium resource with >7,900t of the rare critical mineral at its Mt Edon project in WA.
Rubidium is ranked as a critical and strategic mineral by several countries – including the US and Japan – due to its use in a wide range of military, new energy and high-tech applications such as night vision equipment, radiation detection, infrared signals, thin batteries, vapour turbines and in ion engines that could power spacecraft.
However, despite actually being more abundant than zinc or copper in the Earth’s crust, rubidium’s production currently sits between 2-4 tonnes per annum, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Actual Rubidium consumption remains a function of supply, EMC looks to position itself to participate in supplying a growing, high-tech critical mineral to the world market.
Current uses include:
All this provides context for why Everest Metals Corporation (ASX:EMC) would be pleased by the maiden inferred resource of 3.6Mt grading 0.22% rubidium oxide and 0.07% lithium oxide (Li2O) with a world-class, high-grade zone of 1.3Mt at 0.33% rubidium and 0.07% Li2O at Mt Edon in WA’s Mid-West region.
Just the high-grade zone alone contains several orders of more rubidium than current global demand.
That this is located outside of China, which the USGS believes produces most of the world’s rubidium, just adds to its attractiveness.
“Our initial mineral resource estimate validates the tier-1 scale and grade of the Mt Edon deposit,” EMC executive chairman Mark Caruso said.
“This highlights only the beginning for the Mt Edon critical metals project, with high-grade rubidium mineralisation still open along strike with numerous additional targets on the mining lease to be tested.
“Rubidium is a critical mineral which plays a significant and growing role in national security, healthcare and emerging energy applications. Rubidium currently has a small global market, but this has been driven by supply constraints rather than demand.”
The initial Mt Edon resource is based on drilling along a ~400m strike within a 1.2km long pegmatite corridor on a granted mining lease.
Mineralisation remains open along strike and at depth, which provides exploration upside and hence potential for resource growth.
An added point in its favour is the resource model showing Mt Edon geometry to be amenable to open cut mining with a low stripping ratio, which would substantially reduce mining costs.
Initial metallurgical test work has already proven that ore from the project is amenable to the use of direct rubidium extraction, which successfully achieved a maximum ~85% rubidium recovery.
Caruso noted the initial resource will serve as the foundation for a mining scoping study as its “world-class scale and grade prompt us to move rapidly to complete this study in conjunction with ongoing rubidium extraction and purification testwork”.
“We will finalise test work in Q4 CY24 to feed into the scoping study, which is due for delivery in Q1 CY25,” he added.
“Planning for the next phase of resource drilling is also underway and offtake negotiations are set to commence as we accelerate our strategy for development of Mt Edon.”
Phase 2 resource drilling is planned to start in late 2024 or early 2025.
This article was developed in collaboration with Everest Metals Corporation, a Stockhead advertiser at the time of publishing.
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