VentureCrowd is an Australian multi asset class crowdfunding platform, headquartered in Sydney, including equity crowdfunding, property crowdfunding and debt-based crowdfunding.
VentureCrowd has been successfully raising capital for over 3 years from wholesale investors with over $20M raised across hundreds of successful deals. Its teams have deep expertise in venture capital, investor relations, funds management, compliance and technology.
Equity based crowdfunding allows investors to take equity in a business or property development in exchange for a cash investment – and has the potential to democratise investing for retail investors.
It can also provide wholesale/sophisticated investors with exciting investment opportunities from innovative new businesses, and they can get in at the ‘ground floor’.
And as a registered VentureCrowd investor, you can invest in the company’s pre-screened deals via their seamless/easy-to-use digital platform.
The aim at VentureCrowd is to empower you to back what you believe in and access impactful startups and property investments that allow you to diversify your portfolio. View our latest VC property deals and book a call with one of our Property Capital Managers today.