It’s hard work having the best health and biotech podcast series in the business.

So while Tim Boreham and the podcasting team take a much earned break over the holiday period, we thought we’d fill your med-tech podcast void with a roundup of our most-popular Health Kick podcasts from 2019.

Happy holidays and we’re look forward to blasting out your car speakers again in 2020.

1) The science behind 2019’s hottest IPO and the company’s next steps

2) Standing out in the gut health market, solving scours in livestock and the future of antibiotics in the food chain

3) The death of the doctor’s clipboard, how Alcidion’s infomatics saves lives and why it’s best to bide time on a US entrance.

On mobile? Click here to listen with Apple podcasts, here for Spotify or here for Google Podcasts.

Like to listen to podcasts through another app? Just search for The Health Kick Podcast with Tim Boreham and subscribe!