Respiri Limited (ASX: RSH) are an Australian owned company with  smart tools to empower people with asthma and improve outcomes.

Backed by over twenty years of research by respiratory specialists, and with first-move advantage, Respiri offers an over-the-counter monitoring solution that will help people manage asthma in ways that have never been available before.


  • Nicholas Smedley, Executive Chairman

    Mr Smedley is an experienced Investment Banker and M&A Advisor, with 14 years’
    experience at UBS and KPMG. He has worked on M&A transactions in the UK, Hong Kong,
    China, and Australia with transactions ranging from the A$9bn defence of WMC Resources
    through to the investment of $65m into Nicholas currently oversees
    investments in the Property, Aged care, Technology and Medical Technology space. Key
    areas of expertise include M&A, Debt structuring, Corporate governance and innovation. He
    holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Monash University.

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  • Marjan Mikel, CEO and Managing Director

    Marjan will take the helm at Respiri as it transitions from R&D to commercialisation in 2020. A highly experienced managing director and board member with a career spanning Australia, Europe and Japan, Marjan’s focus has been in the healthcare industry; from pharmaceuticals and information services and technology to medical devices and sleep disorder solutions. He founded and subsequently sold Healthy Sleep Solutions after developing it into a successful business, with ResMed Ltd as a joint venture/shareholder partner.

    Currently, Marjan is non-executive director of Memphasys Ltd, a publicly listed bio-separations company where he chairs the nomination and remuneration committee. He also acts as commercial advisor to Portt, a SaaS company, and is an industry research fellow at University of New South Wales Faculty of Engineering.

    Qualifications: BSc (Hons), University of Sydney, Grad Dip Ed, Secondary Education, University of Sydney, MCom Masters of Commerce, University of New South Wales, MAICD, Business Administration, Management and Operations, AGSM, University of New South Wales

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  • Dr Thomas Duthy

    Dr Duthy has over 15 years of direct financial market and medical device industry experience. Dr Duthy is the Founder and CEO of Nemean Group Pty Ltd, a boutique corporate advisory, investor relations and equity research group based in Adelaide, Australia with a focus on micro to small cap ASX-listed companies. Prior to establishing Nemean Group, he was Global Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development at Sirtex Medical Limited (ASX:SRX), which was sold for $1.9 billion in late 2018 and to date is the largest medical device transaction in Australian corporate history. Tom was instrumental in developing corporate strategies designed to maximise shareholder value. This included expansion of the share register targeting US and European institutional investors, several group-wide restructuring plans, initiation and execution of share buy-backs, an active non-core asset divestment program and the assessment of M&A and other partnering opportunities to drive value. Additionally, he spent 10 years as a leading sector analyst at Taylor Collison Limited, specialising in Healthcare and Biotechnology companies, with approximately $200 million in equity capital raised during that period for selected companies.

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