Mount Ridley is a company targeting demand driven metals in Western Australia.

Its namesake Mount Ridley Project, located within a Fraser Range sub-basin, was initially acquired for its nickel and copper sulphides potential, and is now recognised as being prospective for ionic clay REE deposits.

The Company also holds approximately 18% of the Weld Range West Iron Project in the mid-west of Western Australia. Drilling is progressively testing targets for direct-shipping iron ore. Areas of the tenements are also prospective for gold.


  • David Crook | Technical Consultant

    Mr Crook is a consulting geologist and company director with 40 years’ experience, predominantly in Western Australia. He has worked on a range of commodities including nickel, gold, lithium and caesium, and has led teams with a good discovery record.
    He was the Managing Director of Pioneer Resources Limited for 16 years, which discovered the Mt Jewell Gold Deposits, the North Dome Spodumene Deposit and discovered and mined the Sinclair Caesium Deposit. Prior to this he was exploration manager of Heron Resources Limited during the establishment of the North Kalgoorlie Nickel Project, Senior Project Geologist at the Gidgee Gold Mine from drill-out until 500,000oz were poured, and on the discovery team of the Radio Hill Nickel Sulphide Deposit.
    Mr Crook is also Managing Director of Charger Metals NL.

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  • Guy Le Page | Non Exec Director

    Mr Le Page is currently a Director & Corporate Adviser of RM Corporate Finance specialising in resources. He is actively involved in a range of corporate initiatives from mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings to valuations, consulting and corporate advisory roles.

    Mr Le Page was Head of Research at Morgan Stockbroking Limited (Perth) prior to joining Tolhurst Noall as a Corporate Advisor in July of 1998. As Head of Research, Mr Le Page was responsible for the supervision of all Industrial and Resources Research. As a Resources Analyst, Mr Le Page published detailed research on various mineral exploration and mining companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The majority of this research involved valuations of both exploration and production assets.

    Prior to entering the stockbroking industry, he spent 10 years as an exploration and mining geologist in Australia, Canada and the United States. His experience spans gold and base metal exploration and mining geology, and he has acted as a consultant to private and public companies. This professional experience included the production of both technical and valuation reports for resource companies.

    Mr Le Page holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Science and a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration from the University of Adelaide, a Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons) from the Curtin University of Technology and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.

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  • Graeme Johnston | Non Executive Director

    Mr Johnston is a geologist with over 30 years’ experience in Australia, the Middle East, Romania, Malaysia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, with exposure to a range of commodities, including iron, gold and lithium.  He specialises on the transition period between orebody delineation and mine opening.

    Mr Johnston’s experience with iron extends from engagements with Rio Tinto and then Midwest Corporation where he was the Principal Geologist during its sale to Sinosteel Corporation for US$1.4 billion.  This was followed by nine years as Technical Director of Ferrowest Limited, contributing to the successful completion of the Feasibility Study for the Yalgoo Pig Iron Project.

    Mr Johnston is also the Technical Director for AVZ Minerals Limited, following on from his role of Project Manager for the Manono Lithium Project in the DRC.

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