Lithium Energy Limited (ASX: LEL) is an emerging battery minerals company with two exciting exploration and development projects, the Solaroz Lithium Project in Argentina and the Burke Graphite Project in Queensland.
LEL Share Price and Trading History
William Johnson holds a Masters Degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University, England and an MBA from Victoria University, New Zealand. His 30-year business career spans multiple industries and countries, with executive/CEO experience in mineral exploration and investment (Australia, Peru, Chile, Saudi Arabia, Oman, North Africa and Indonesia), telecommunications infrastructure investment (New Zealand, India, Thailand and Malaysia) and information technology and Internet ventures (New Zealand, Philippines and Australia).
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Peter Smith has 35 years’ experience in mineral exploration having worked for Normandy, Pasminco, BHP-Billiton and Cliffs Natural Resources. Mr Smith has held exploration management positions in ASX-listed NGM Resources Limited (ASX:NGM) and NYSE-listed Cliffs Natural Resources (as Regional Exploration Manager for Australia and Oceania) and has been a Director of Volta Mining Limited (ASX:VTM) and Castillo Copper Limited (ASX:CCZ).
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Farooq Khan is a qualified lawyer having previously practised principally in the field of corporate law. Mr Khan has extensive experience in the securities industry, capital markets and the executive management of ASX-listed companies. In particular, Mr Khan has guided the establishment and growth of a number of public listed companies in the investment, mining and financial services sector.
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